IMPORTANT UPDATE: SDG&E has made the decision to close the CAP4ZNE Program for Local Government customers. The Program will no longer be accepting new customers as of July 26, 2024. We direct all Local Government customers who are interested in energy efficiency upgrades to the website for Statewide Programs. SDG&E will host a public webinar on Tuesday, August 27 th from 2pm-2:30pm PST to inform interested stakeholders and the public of its intent to officially close the Local Government Program CAP4ZNE.
Climate Action plan for zero net energy
Local Government Customers in San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) Service Territory
The Climate Action Plan for Zero Net Energy (CAP4ZNE) Program provides a concierge approach tailored to the unique needs of each Local Government Partner for energy efficiency and greenhouse reductions. This Program will be accepting applications for projects completed by September 30th, 2025.
The CAP4ZNE Energy Program will address the entire segment within SDG&E service territory, which includes the following:
- 25 cities (including Civic Centers, Courthouses, Maintenance Yards, Police, Fire, Libraries, Water Treatment and Delivery, Waste Treatment, etc.) including South Orange County (portions of the county which includes 21 zip codes).
- County of San Diego (including County Hospitals and Correctional Facilities).
- Special Districts (e.g., Cemeteries, Fire, Health, Community Services, Parks & Recreation, and Conservation).
- Solid Waste Facilities (must not overlap with the Statewide Water & Wastewater Program)
- Water/Wastewater Treatment Facilites (must not overlap with the Statewide Water & Wastewater Program.
The CAP4ZNE Program provides incentives. Customers that install equipment and measures that exceeds standard efficiency. “Standard efficiency” refers to the performance that meets either state/federal efficiency requirements or current industry practice.
With a one-stop-shop approach, this program provides a comprehensive look at the customer’s facilities and may provide the following assessment or analysis, which may include:
- Building Benchmarking
- Behavioral Opportunities, including Technical Assistance and Education
- Whole Building Audits
- Retro-Commissioning (RCx and MCx)
- SDG&E Rates & Usage (Electric and Natural Gas)
- Codes and Standards including Private Sector Reach Codes
- Project Financing Options
- Dashboard.
- Customer must be a Local Government Public entity
- Pay into the California Public Goods Charge
- Building vintage must be 10 years or greater
- Minimum energy consumption must be at least 15 kWh/sq.ft./year
Short-Term Potential Benefits
- Improving Facilities Energy Efficiency Performance
- Assessing Current Facility Conditions for Future Actions
- Advancing Knowledge of Facility Operation Practice
- Implementing Measures to Align with San Diego’s Climate Action Plan
Long-Term Potential Benefits
- Save Energy
- Enhance Facility Wellness
- Reduce Operation Costs
- Improve End User’s Facility Experience
- Contribute Actively to San Diego’s Climate Action Plan
High Performing Measures
Direct Installation, DEEMED, RCx, and Custom Measure Mix Includes:
CAP4ZNE Incentive Rates
CAP4ZNE Program Offers an Assessment Plan
A CAP4ZNE Plan will be created for each participating city/entity, which may include the following information, analysis, recommendations, implementation, and data tracking.
- Building Benchmarking
- Behavioral Opportunities, including Technical Education
- Utility Rate and Usage Analysis
- Whole Building Audits Identifying Cost Effective EE Measures
- Monitoring-based Commissioning (MCx) and Virtual and/or On-Site Retro-Commissioning (RCx)
- Rebates and Incentives Exclusively for Local Government Partners
- GHG and Renewable Energy Evaluations
- Revolving EE Funds Adoption and Other Financing Options
- Partner Action Plan Implementation and Real-time Tracking on Customer Dashboard
CAP4ZNE Program Process
CAP4ZNE Detailed Milestones
CAP4ZNE Documentation Overview
CAP4ZNE Rebate Offerings
The Climate Action Plan for Zero Net Energy Program is funded by California utility customers under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission and implemented by Okapi Architecture, Inc. under a contract awarded by San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). Programs may be modified or terminated without prior notice and program funds, including any funds utilized for rebates and incentives, are allocated to qualified customers on a first come, first served basis until program funds are no longer available. Eligibility requirements apply. This Program will be accepting applications through December 31st, 2025. DISCLAIMER: Customers who choose to participate in these programs or events are not obligated to purchase any goods or services offered by contractors, vendors, or presenters or any other third-party. SDG&E does not endorse, qualify, or guarantee the word of any contractor, vendor, or other third-party and is not responsible for any goods or services selected or purchased by customers. Actual savings may vary and will depend on various factors, including geographic location, weather conditions, equipment installed, usage rates and similar factors. Completing multiple energy-saving measures will not necessarily result in cumulative savings.
Contact us
For more information or to participate in the CAP4ZNE Program, please feel free to contact us today!