Working harder, smarter with less resources today will bring a better tomorrow

Established in 2010, Okapi Architecture, Inc. provides leadership and expertise in program design throughout the United States and globally. We focus on integration of design with energy planning, energy efficiency and sustainability with architecture and construction practices. With pride, we bring leading edge and proven technology that combats Climate Change to design solutions.   


With a mission to enhance the economic, environmental and societal benefits of clean and efficient energy use, the Okapi Team specializes in design, delivery, and evaluation of high-performance building programs throughout the United States and conducts special projects internationally. This includes, the integration of sustainability, energy and water efficiency, and renewable energy into general design practices, and finding solutions that reduce the societal energy burden and carbon reduction.

To achieve our mission, Okapi Architecture, Inc. often engages with communities, organizations, and experts to develop and execute leading-edge programs. We aim to work with partners who complement our expertise, who provide rigorous thinking, and who have a solid track record of delivering results. 


Okapi’s strength is to provide turn-key solutions for public agencies and private clients. As team players and client advocates, we provide exceptional support to the entire project delivery team. Our diversified background brings forward a skillset from policy planning, large and small outreach efforts, architectural design and construction, public/utility program implementation, to continuous measurement of buildings during occupancy. In our diverse scope and work that we oversee, we adapt and collaborate well with many teams to achieve successful programs and significant projects. 

  • Facility Planning/Design
  • Supporting In-House Facility Operation
  • Policy and Strategic Planning
  • Facility Condition Assessment
  • Project Scoping, Planning & Execution
  • Existing Building Maintenance & Operation Support
  • Benchmarking, Auditing and Retro-Commissioning
  • Utility Program Design, Management & Implementation
  • Sustainability Program Compliance
  • LEED for New Construction and Existing Facilities, CHPS, WELL, Living Building Challenge.
  • Envision Sustainability Certification
  • Building Benchmarking
  • Energy Star Certification 
  • IRS 179D Energy Tax Credit
  • Workforce Training Outreach & Education 
  • Architectural & Engineering Design Services
  • Energy Modeling 
  • Envelope Commissioning
  • Sustainability Criteria & Code Compliance Training
  • Service Utility Planning

  • S-Corp FEIN #27-3353741
  • CUPC and Metro Certified (SBE/DBE) – CUPC $40604 & Metro #5769)
  • Utility Supplier Clearing House Program – WMBE #1050047
  • LA County Local Small Business Enterprise – LSBE #094005
  • Professional Licenses and Certifications – available upon request


Okapi Architecture, Inc. is certified as WMBE, DBE, SBE, and LSBE. All team members are dedicated to supporting the success of every program/project and are all well entrenched in LEED and overall sustainability, including architecture, engineering, utility program management, and decarbonization.

Ying Wang

President, LEED Fellow/AP WELL AP, Licensed Architect

Jessica Mack

Principal Partner, LEED AP Program Development

David Holly

Senior Engineer, CEM Auditor, Project Engineering Design 

Chin Li

Chief Financial Officer / Financing & Accounting

Debbie Ebel

Senior Program Manager

Vanessa Sanchez

Program/Project Manager

Kimberly Perez

Program/Project Manager

Cesar Rios

Energy Engineer, Project Engineering



Okapi Architecture, Inc. is well established and has been heavily involved in a variety of Sustainability & Energy Efficiency, design /implementation and education outreach businesses for many years. We regularly manage energy efficiency programs and oureach education programs for the California utility companies. Okapi is well known for our pioneering in practicing sustainability, energy efficiency, and energy code. 


Savings By Design (2013-Present)

On behalf of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) and Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas), Okapi designed, implemented, and continues to manage the commercial new construction program that started as a pilot program in 2013. With an initial budget of $200K/year, this program has increased to a $2.5M annual budget and has created an impressive impact within the building industries, including owners and architectural/engineering communities. 

  • Responsibilities include: 
  • Providing Turn-Key Program Management
  • Customer Marketing and Outreach 
  • Technical Assistance
  • Site Verification and Incentive Distribution 

Zero By Design Program (2021-2024)

On behalf of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), Okapi provides outreach, technical review support and design assistance for commercial and high-rise multifamily new construction projects which exceed the Title 24 and industry standards. 

  • New Construction, Supporting LADWP’s Internal Team
  • Customer Marketing and Outreach
  • Technical Assistance 
  • Site Verification

CAP4ZNE Program (2022-2028)

On behalf of San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E), Okapi serves as a third-party implementer designing and managing the program, implementing all program processes, verification, and distributing incentives to 25+ local governments within San Diego. 

  • Third-Party for all Local Government facilities in San Diego
  • Marketing and Outreach 
  • Auditing and Scoping Energy Efficient Opportunities
  • Retrofit of Existing Facilities Energy Equipment with High Efficiency Replacements
  • Customized Projects 
  • Incentive Distribution

SoCalGas GAP Support (2023-Present)

On behalf of SoCalGas, Okapi provides services that covers all non-residential sectors and the specific segments within each sector throughout SoCalGas’ territory. Providing support of a budget of $75K for each GAP. Okapi implements these services as deemed and direct install milestone services. 

  • Improve the District’s Energy Efficiency Performance, especially on Gas Fired Equipment.
  • For Public School’s K-12
  • Replacing Storage Water Heater, Direct Installation, with No Cost to the District.

K12 Public Schools Program (2023-Present) 

The K12PSP Program is implemented by Okapi Architecture, Inc. as a third-party provider on behalf of Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas). Continuing from the Pilot_GAP program, this K12 Public Schools Program is a unique program targeted at DAC (Disadvantaged Communities) school districts. These schools are in need of technical assistance, operation, and maintenance planning, and high efficiency water heater upgrades. 

K12PSP creates trusted partnerships with public school districts utilizing the simple, yet effective process for engagement, assessment, and installation. Through energy audits of school campuses in DAC communities, the program identifies opportunities to upgrade the efficiency of existing hot water heaters. K12PSP Program utilizes bulk purchasing to lower the EE equipment costs by providing a no-cost, direct install approach.


Owner’s Representative for Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Green Schools Program for all K-12 new construction (2005-2010)

The second largest school district in the U.S., approved a $19.3 Billion construction bond for 132 new campuses in 2003. Okapi Architecture, Inc. was responsible for the startup and implementation of this program. 

  • Support facility as in-house staff. 
  • Established the mission, goals, and energy standards of design and construction based on CHPS criteria and applied to all new constructions. 
  • Implemented the review and QA/QC process to assure all projects comply with the program. 
  • Created outreach plan for school/district staff and design professionals’ community.
  • Analyzed the outcomes, including successes and challenges of the program. 
  • Initiated and designed commissioning practice for all new constructions.
  • Program Achievements
  • 82 new school campuses were completed using the LAUSD CHPS standard that Okapi created.
  • Designed an M&V system to verify the design intentions vs the operation performance.

Owner’s Representative for San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) on Green Schools Program for all L-12 New and Existing Construction (2010-2012)

The eighth largest school district in California, SBCUSD was booming with newly arriving student populations. Most of the belonged to disadvantaged communities. The school’s facilities and communities became a haven for students. With public bond and funding, the district decided to incorporate sustainability features to their standard if feasible. Okapi was in charge to take on this responsibility. Some of the tasks included establishing the mission and goals and creating energy standards for design and construction based on Best Practice and CHPS criteria. 

  • Support Facility In-House Staff
  • Implemented a district wide Site/Facility Assessment, to identify each campus need.
  • Coordinated with deferred maintenance and finance group. 
  • Scope a wide variety of projects, ranging from new buildings to retro-commission on enhancing energy measurements specifically.
  • Secured all possible rebates and incentives from federal, state and utility companies, such as IRS 179D Energy Efficiency Tax Credit, High Performance Schools grant, Prop 39, Savings By Design and others.
  • Program Achievements 
  • 17 new campuses and improvement on 70 existing campuses were designed with the High-Performance Standard.


U.S. Green Building Council – LEED Consultation & Certifications

  • University of California, Los Angeles – Housing and Hospitality Group, multiple projects from 2016-2019
  • LEED ID+C Commercial Interiors – Gold Certification Minimum
  • Metro Division 16 Southwestern Yard – 2017-2018
  • LEED BD+C New Construction – Silver 
  • SoCalGas Energy Resource Center – 2021
  • LEED O&M – Platinum
  • California Community Foundation – 2021-2023
  • LEED ID+C – Gold Target
  • SoCalGas Energy Resource Center’s H2 Hydrogen Home – 2022-2023
  • LEED Home – Platinum
  • Caltrans Fontana Maintenance Station – 2022-Current
  • LEED Gold Target

WELL Certifications

  • SoCalGas Energy Resource Center – 2018-Current
  • Silver Certified
  • Commissioning Exterior Envelope – 2022-Current
  • Intuit Dome 

  • Provided “Energy Code and CALGreen update to Architects/Engineer” through on-site presence and remote training (2018-2021)
  • Reached over 1,000 architects and professionals.
  • Provided Sustainability Training (2021-2023)
  • LEED 
  • International WELL Building Standard (WELL)
  • Event Planning and Exhibition for Greenbuild International (2026)
  • This is the largest USGBC nationwide annual event, over 30,000 attendees. Okapi manages to combine all the four statewide utility companies and other affiliates to share a well-orchestrated program and location. 


Click on the link below to access a downloadable copy of Okapi’s Qualifications Brochure.

Okapi Architecture